Tuesday, April 13, 2010

And Twitter replied...


Thank you for writing in. This application is indeed a cool concept but we agree that it presents some opportunities for spammers. Overall, we'd prefer that you not make it publicly available for general use, but feel free to move forward with your own uses. To answer some of your questions specifically:

2. We do not reveal our limits, as if they were to get out, users looking to abuse the system would operate just within the limits, and this would create bad user experiences. Account creation cannot be accomplished through the API, so it would be the operator's choice how many accounts to create, correct? Automating browser actions to sign up new accounts is not recommended.

4. If real people are @replied to, it should be made clear to them (either in the biography field or on an external site describing the play) that following these accounts subjects them to @replies. Unexpected or unsolicited @replies are often perceived as spam and could be reported as such, and even cause the sending account to be suspended.

5. Again, we do not discuss these kinds of limits. There are signals on both the absolute quantity of tweets but also the velocity of tweets, and even if you set a limit on the number, an account could theoretically post them all in a short time and still get suspended. Enacting an absolute limit would not therefore be required, as our systems would still monitor the accounts individually and take action as necessary.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

[twitter representative name removed]

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